Sunday, November 24, 2013


There is something so wonderful about Sundays.  Sleeping in, time with the family, just relaxing before the crazy business of the week begins.  Something I've struggled with since having children is not going to church.  part of me feels that it's important to belong to a church so that the girls have a sense of community and learn a spiritual foundation.  On the other hand, sometimes the absolute last thing I want to do on a Sunday morning is rush around to get somewhere else.  It's nice to be lazy one day out of the week.

I talk to the girls about God, Jesus and try to expose them to spirituality.  We've tried the UU church, and I like what they stand for but I don't like that they don't pray in the traditional sense of the word.  I've yet to try another church with them but I guess that's what I need to do next.  It seems like a lot of work to schlep the girls around from church to church, but maybe I need to go church shopping on my own.  I guess it's never to late to find a church that meets the needs of our family.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

I'll Be Seeing You

Today we held the funeral services for Nana, my grandmother, Lois Armstrong Campbell.  It was the most touching, emotional, spiritual moment I've had in a long time.  And it was so Nana.  Her favorite Psalms from the Bible, her favorite hymns, singing from the great grands and so many stories shared by her family.  What stuck with me the most is the legacy of love that she has left behind.  Not just with her family, but with her actions.  Everyone who spoke, spoke about how she had looked out for them, cared for them, helped them and made them feel welcome.

It got me thinking that I hope people say kind words about me when I'm gone.  What will they say about me?  What will my legacy be?  I hope it's that I was loving, kind, gentle, and that I made a difference.  That  I helped those who are less fortunate, that I was a good mom and wife, and that I was someone people could rely on.  Do I want my legacy to be one about my impact on my family, my impact in my work with teenagers, or my impact in being an inspiration in health/fitness?  Do I want to change career paths and become a counselor working with substance abusing adolescents?  Do I want to spend time volunteering somewhere? My Nana has left behind not only amazing family roots for me, but thoughts to ponder about how I want to live my life.  Just like Nana would want. :)

I will forever miss the gentle, funny, determined, Christian grandmother who has provided me with countless memories and always made me feel loved.