Monday, June 17, 2013

Father's Day

Something about father's day always makes me emotional.  I'm lucky to have a dad that has always, always, always been there for me.  He's solid and strong, but not afraid to work the sound system at my dance recitals or make us walk our cat on a leash so he wouldn't run away.  Strong man with a soft heart. 

And I'm married to a man who is a wonderful father who adores his daughters.  Can't say no to a dance party in the kitchen and teaches them all about sports.  They are as blessed as I am to have a loyal dad who loves their mother. 

This year for fathers day, Big Daddy went golfing with his dad and brother.  So Millie and Beaner and I had lunch with my family which was fun.  The girls love their "Umple Base" and were happy to have his undivided attention!

When we got home from lunch and a swim at camp, Millie and Beaner made Big Daddy cuddle on the couch to watch Monsters Inc. togther (while mommy had wine and read a book in peace and quiet for 15 minutes....Happy Father's Day to ME!)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

For weeks, Millie has been asking me to start a blog, as a friend of ours does a wonderful one for her family.  "Mom, you need to do a blog.  Write about stuff you are good at.  Like cooking!"  Now, Millie is not known for her Culinary appetite.  Mac and Cheese and PB &J are what she it was nice to hear an actual cooking compliment! :)

Nevertheless, this is my fourth attempt at starting a blog.  I really want to document the daily goings-on of our family so that years from now I remember the deliciously beautiful moments of having young girls (and also to remind me of the exhaustingly complicated moments as well).

So, today?  My girls love watching me do my workouts at home.  Right now I'm in the middle of Insanity: Asylum, Volume 1.  Today they joined me in a workout and Beaner said, "I"m pretending to be Shaun T."  Millie replied, "OK, then you better have some pretty nice abs!"  Then looked at me, "Hey mom, where are YOUR abs?"  I mumbled something about Shaun T. not having children, then jumped higher and worked harder during that workout! 

I do love how active the girls are becoming, and I like to think that the fact that I workout often and talk to them about it has something to do with that.  Millie loves cheerleading, gymnastics, softball and dance; Beaner loves gymnastics, dance and soccer.  Plus both girls participate in a kids triathalon every summer, pictured below is their first last summer.  Millie placed third in her age group!